Spiglord's World Cup 2006

Travelling the world for fun, football and beer....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

At last we have arrived in Tunisia....

This will be a short blog entry as I am struggling to type anything on this crazy Arabic Keyboard, all the letters and symbols are in the wrong place...?? It has taken me 5 minutes to locate and use the '@' symbol which is quite fundamental for email... Also, the 'W' is transposed with the 'Z' which makes typing in web addresses a challenge, the number keys are all shifted and the following keys are in a different place: q, a, m. I was wondering why there was not a queue for the only internet terminal in this resort...??? [This paragraph has taken 20 mins to write...!!]

Anyway, the 30-hour journey from San Francisco to Tunisia, via Frankfurt was the longest and most tiring day of my life.... There was a catalogue of frustrations that extended day that included getting very little sleep on the flights, trouble finding anywhere to sit during our 12 hours trapped in Frankfurt airport, delayed flight into Tunisia, (not arriving until 1:00am), a 3 hour wait while Fiona had her visa processed, an unforgettable 4am taxi ride with 2 crazy Arabs, (that included a stop to change cars, a stop for coffee, and more stops for direction that I could count), and finally getting to our hotel at 5:15am

Fortunately, the hotel and weather have made up for all the hassles of the trip, and the bonus of unlimited quantities of booze, (and food btw), have meant that we are both having a great time and are either totally relaxed or half pissed...!! We have already been on a trip to the local Medina, (Arabic market) where Fiona haggled very successfully for some nice jewellery, and tomorrow we are off on a boat trip along the coast.

With this awful keyboard, I doubt I will be ever able to type properly again, so you might not hear from me again until we hit Germany next weekend...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great to hear its going so well. We have ordered a new keyboard for when you get back!!!!

go the kiwis on monday!!!!


8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to know you all have arrived and are geared up for your first match! Make sure you paint Yates face; he has a good round face. Better yet, paint his belly in the good ol' red, white and blue and then one big white star on his face. That way, it should help get you on the documentary. By the, what the hell does an American sing at a footy match????

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

8:05 PM  

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